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Work in progress

I wanted to name this blog My Best Life, but that was taken, so I went to and looked for a synonym for the word best. Beyond compare jumped out at me and I knew that was what this blog needed to be called. The purpose for this blog is to act as a journal for me. I started having what has become chronic pain and fatigue a few months ago. I've been seeing a rheumatologist who is currently not committing to a permanent diagnosis, but for now, is calling what I have an "unnamed pain syndrome." If you've heard of fibromyalgia and know what that is, that is the best way to describe how I feel. Looking back, I've had issues with this for awhile, but it didn't get really bad until a few months back. I've been under a lot of stress the last couple of years with finishing up college, Hurricane Harvey flooding a couple of buildings at work, and changes in my job. Apparently, it reached a point where it was too much and my body is reacting. I wish I co

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